Release notes | September 17, 2024

Week 37 – 2024

Number Title Description
PI202300235 Filename can be set for merged template The filename of a merge template can be set per template
PI202300726 Sort teams alphabetically Teams will be shown alphabetically in select boxes
PI202400135 Update productregel reset price When changing the amount in a product line with a change price, the price doesn’t fallback to the listprice.
PI202400459 Added code snippet block in email template This code block provides a safe way of adding HTML / java script code to an email.
PI202400665 Selectbox to small The width of the selectbox is adjusted to fit the content.
PI202400673 Issue with switcher menu on portal The environment/portal switching menu is now displayed in the foreground allowing selection.
PI202400727 Optimze database connectivity Optimzation of the database connection setting to improve stability
PI202400741 When completing an activity, the menu is not completly visible Displaying the closing menu options on an activity is improved
PI202400743 Actions blocked by Maps integration When a free Google maps account is out of credits is was causing action to be blocked.
PI202400744 Add PDF in E-invoice In an E-invoice the invoice PDF is added as Base64 string in the XML file.
PI202400746 Notes not displayed correctly When a relation has many linked notes the displaying incorrect.
PI202400747 Duplicate Notes and Attachment tabs in activities The duplicated activity tabs for Notes and Attachment are solved
PI202400775 Database Maintenance Tribe database systems are updated with the latest patches and features.
PI202400783 Webform URL generated in new ui not working Webform URL generated in new ui contains an extra /, this / is removed
PI202400786 Additional option in send invoice New option added ‘Email and generate invoice XML’
PI202400812 Gmail Add-In not functioning Fix bugs in Gmail addin logic linked to new UI version.
PI202400829 Fontsize not selectable Selecting option for the fontsize in a text block is updated