| September 23, 2024

Week 38 – 2024

Number Title Description
PI202100844 Pagebreaks should split a productline In PDF documents productlines the pagebreaks will be set in between productline. All content of 1 productline will be on one page.
PI202400135 Update productregel reset price When changing the amount in a product line with a change price, the price doesn’t fallback to the listprice.
PI202400463 New fonts Rubik, Aptos and Manrope fonts are added to the font options.
PI202400517 Spotler campagne phase fixed When a campagne is run thru the Spotler integration, the phase can’t be changed in Tribe CRM.
PI202400606 Automations keep running after deactivation Additional check is added to check the status of an automation and stop it if needed
PI202400639 New interface – Change dashboard background in personal settings The dashboard background set in the personal settings will be set on the dashboards.
PI202400656 Field picker / action picker usability The positioning and size of the field picker / action picker is adjusted for usability
PI202400683 E-mail recipient e-mail address not shown during creation The email address is added to the send mail dialog.
PI202400696 Editor duplicates references as plain text The editor is updated so the field reference are kept as reference.
PI202400715 Suggestion in searchbar blocks recent items Browse suggestions are supressed in the Tribe CRM search field.
PI202400756 Exception in SMTP server validation SMTP mail server validation encounterd a error in validating the domain.
PI202400757 Dont send emails without sender When an email has nog sender defined sending is blocked. The email will stay in concept phase.
PI202400759 Check if email has recipient before sending At least one recipient has to be set for the mail to be send. If no recipient are found the mail will stay in concept phase.
PI202400771 Newbar shows +note and +attachement twice Fixed the duplication of options in the activity
PI202400792 Improve handling of issue with index server When an index server has a connectivity issue only the connections for that server are paused, other will keep working.